Monday, March 22, 2010

A Cool Breeze.

Ah, my darling Wheels.

She is currently crafting a fantabulous poem called "Wind" that goes like this:

The wind
Reminds me of
A fan
A cool fan
And a strong breeze.

We were conferring about exact language so she chose to use the words "strong breeze" in her poem.  Apparently it stuck because a little while later I said, "You all need jackets to go outside today" to which Wheels replied, "Look, Mrs. Overman, see my jacket?  Now I'm totally ready for a strong breeze!"

She's so poetic.

1 comment:

Caroline & the Fab Felines said...

Hi Christi, I would like to send you a complimentary book by Cindi Rigsbee -- FINDING MRS. WARNECKE: The Difference Teachers Make. Can you please email your mailing address. Thanks, Caroline O'Connell (em: