Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lakes and Alligators.

I have a new little kiddo from Florida. I asked her today what she liked about Indiana, and she said, "Well, I've never seen snow...and did you know I have my own lake here? It's so fun. I can swim in it every day. And I really like how they cleaned out all the alligators so we can swim."

Monday, August 15, 2011

Thanks for the reminder.

Picture meet-your-teacher night.

Or in the case of this little girl, meet-your-sister's-teacher night.

Here's how it went:

Little girl: Oh, Mrs. Overman! Me and you have the same kind of arms!
Me: Oh really? (thinking, I know EXACTLY where this is going) mean hairy?
Little girl: Yeah!

Yes, as you can imagine, her parents were mortified. Little did they know this was not the first time someone under four feet tall had told me I have hairy arms.
